Gallery Installations

Click on video to get a flavour.......
Magical Lands
Created with about 360 children across 4 schools, this installation comprised of a vast beanstalk that towered into the sky with constantly changing and shifting colours as lights and stop frame animations made by the children were projected across it. With an evocative soundtrack created by Hannah Marshall it provided a space to lie back and be transported to another world.
Made in collaboration with Matthew Biss at Norden Farm

"its the only time in the last year I've seen him calm and chilled. He lay on the beanbags and soaked it all in and was so excited by it afterwards, he was really blown away by it."
Mother of child who visited the exhibition

Goan Beach
About 900 children across 10 schools, created mandala designs and wove wall panels to make up this beach hut for Norden Farm's Goan beach installation. A chill out space for children and familes to hang out in, play with shadows and make their own mandalas.

Take Root
An installation at Norden Farm celebrating vegetables and how they grow. Working with Raphaella Sapir, we created huge carrots and vast sweetcorn and carrot puppets with primary school children from 5 different schools. The installation feastured a very popular crawl through amongst the roots and a carrot puppet table.
Created with Rapaella Sapir.

Jump In
An installation of Musical Instruments made out of Junk created with primary schools. Using an array of junk we had collected from the streets, the children invented their own instruments and musical sculptures out of old chairs, bike wheels and tin cans, old guitar strings.
The installation was made in collaboration with Hannah Marshall who recorded the sounds they made to be a soundtrack to the exhibition.
Contact me HERE For more information about creating installations